6 Things You Didn’t Know About Real Christmas Trees

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1. Star Nursery Christmas trees are farm grown

“But, I thought cutting down trees was bad?”

Unlike other tree varieties, Christmas trees come from specific farms with the sole function of planting, cultivating, and harvesting evergreen trees for Christmas. In fact, for each tree that is cut down, 1-3 seedlings are planted in place of it. In this way, Christmas tree farms operate in a balanced way, working to support natural environmental processes.

Christmas tree start

2. Christmas trees continue to “drink” water after they have been harvested

When you purchase your tree from Star Nursery, you’ll receive a fresh cut on the base of your tree. This will allow the tree to easily “drink” water from the stand once it’s placed in your home.

Keeping your tree hydrated will help to keep it fresh and looking its best for the entire holiday season! Proper hydration can also help to prevent unnecessary needle drop and a fire hazard from having a dry tree. Be sure to check your water basin every day to make sure that it is filled all the way!

3. The Earth benefits from Christmas trees

The growth to harvest process can take anywhere from seven to ten years. During this time, Christmas trees are absorbing harmful carbon dioxide, creating cleaner air through the release of oxygen, and providing a habitat for wildlife!

Without the market for fresh, real trees during the Christmas season, these farms would not exist and the Earth would be unable to reap the benefits.

Christmas tree farm

4. Christmas trees can (and should) be recycled

Because real Christmas trees are biodegradable, you can recycle them each year after their use! When recycled, the trees are chipped into mulch that can be used to help improve soil composition, reduce irrigation needs, and control soil temperatures in extreme weather. Each year, recycled Christmas tree mulch is used in community areas around the valley such as community gardens and parks!

There are many local organizations that host Christmas tree recycling programs after the holiday season has concluded. In Las Vegas, you can drop off your tree at several locations across the valley. To find a location nearest to you, visit www.springspreserve.org.

Christmas tree recycling

5. Real Christmas trees are more sustainable than fake trees

When comparing real trees to fake trees, research suggests that real trees are the more sustainable option. Although fake trees are reusable, they have to be used for at least 20 years before the positive effects outweigh the negative ones.

To look at the manufacturing and shipment processes, fake trees create more carbon emissions than real trees because they are typically manufactured oversees and shipped across the world. Oppositely, Christmas tree farms are local, and shipments across state lines do not amount to the same level of emissions as worldwide shipping. Moreover, fake trees are not recyclable or biodegradable because they are made of PVC, a petroleum-based plastic that is harmful to the environment.

6. The mulch produced from recycled Christmas trees is available for FREE!

The University of Nevada Extension is offering FREE Christmas tree mulch at their research center (8050 Paradise Rd.) The mulch is available on the days that they are open to the public. To grab some mulch, just bring your own shovel and container!

For more information, call (702) 222-3130.

Recycled Christmas tree mulch